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Ramos Gin Fizz 1642

Published by Bastien Poulain the

ramos gin fizz 1642
Photo by Aline Dubois


  • 1642 Yuzu
  • 1 oz Portage gin
  • ½ oz of The Islands appetizer
  • 1 ½ oz of Cremaglace
  • ½ oz. lemon juice
  • Ice cubes


  1. In a shaker, pour all ingredients except the 1642 Yuzu
  2. Add 10 ice cubes and shake for at least 4 minutes
  3. Strain into a highball glass using a cocktail strainer
  4. Stretch gently with 1642 Yuzu


Recipe: Maximiliano Valletta


Regular price $59.99

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