Fizzy Breezy

Fizzy Breezy

Photo: Olivier Duval
The Fizzy Breezy is a twist on the Ramos gin fizz, made with our 1642 Yuzu. Surprising, rich, smooth, in short an absolutely DELICIOUS cocktail.



  1. Pour all ingredients into shaker except 1642 Yuzu.
  2. Shake vigorously once, without ice, for about 1 minute (dry shake).
  3. Add ice cubes and shake vigorously for about 2 minutes.
  4. Let stand in refrigerator for about 3 minutes.
  5. Pour 1 oz of sparkling water into a very cold glass.
  6. Pour the mixture and the 1642 Yuzu simultaneously into the cold glass
  7. Extend with remaining shaker
  8. Garnish with a sprig of thyme


Recipe : Max Coubès