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Golden Cranberry

Published by Bastien Poulain the

Cranberry Doree
Photo and recipe by Passion Cocktails


  • 2 oz Euclid Cranberry Gin Vielli
  • 0.25 oz dry vermouth
  • 0.25 oz Yellow Dragon Fruit Syrup
  • 2 dashes of Dashfire's Orange Bitters
  • 2 oz 1642 Tonic Light
  • Topping: Orange peel


  1. Pour all ingredients into the base of a shaker except for the Tonic
  2. Fill with ice and shake vigorously the mixture vigorously
  3. Strain into a glass containing an ice rock
  4. Extend with 2 oz of Tonic 1642 Light
  5. Squeeze out the orange peel and place it in the glass


Light Tonic Water

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