Morning Tonic For this recipe, we used Maison Orphée's balanced organic extra virgin olive oil, with its delicate aroma of tomato stems and velvety taste of ripe olives....
Gin-o-Plampo Brighten up your lunches, dinners, or even dinner parties with this Gin-o-Plampo, a gin-to with grapefruit, honey and rosemary.
Lilymonade Ingredients 1 oz Liqueur Lily Labrador tea 0.5 oz Gin Km12 0.24 oz Lemon juice 3.5 oz Tonic 1642 Preparation: Place all ingredients in a large...
Singapore Sling Ingredients 1.5 oz Pineapple juice 1.5 oz Mango juice 3.5 oz Tonic 1642 0.25 oz Lime juice Preparation: Place all ingredients in a glass filled with water and...
Saga Bliss Photo and recipe by Madame Gin Ingredients 2 oz Saga distillery gin @distillerie_grand_derangement ¼ oz almond syrup ½ oz fresh juice of a lime 1 dash @amer_kebek walnut bitter...
London Baby This bright red cocktail from mixologist Fanny Gauthier has it all, with its citrus flavors and the acidity of cranberry-raspberry juice. It also contains orgeat syrup, a milk-based beverage...
Gin Tonic, Rosemary, Grapefruit and Juniper berries The power of rosemary will spice up your gin tonic in a beautiful way! It's important to remember that we taste food with our noses, so rubbing a little rosemary...
Gin Tonic festive The best Gin recipe Tonic from St. Laurent Gin Citrus, made with citrus fruits from Japan and Vietnam! This twist on Gin...
Soft Gin Cake Tonic Gin Baba recipe Tonic. But... what is a baba? It's a small brioche cake (also known as savarin) usually drizzled with rum syrup. The result is......
Elderberry Fizz Delicate and floral are the perfect adjectives to describe this cocktail. With our classic 1642 Tonic and elderflower liqueur from Distillerie de Montréal, you'll fall in love...